Econ Model Calculations

Calculations represent operations with Econ Model Inputs and can contain also other calculations. They use FML and in this regard they operate similarly to PetroVR Plan functions. See the Function Editor section for a full description of the commands available on this pane.

A calculation marked in red indicates that its value is still undefined. In some cases this may only mean that the model has not yet been calculated; but those calculations that could not be resolved after trying to calculate the model will still remain red, thus pointing to those items that must be revised in order to successfully calculate the whole model.

How do I create a simple module and calculation in Econ?

It is not advisable to refer to Runtime Variables in Econ calculations. Runtime variables are used for introducing dynamic behavior only during the simulation of the PetroVR Plan model. When these values are exported as results to be used in PetroVR Econ, the only value that is actually exported is that assumed for the last day of each period, i.e. a static value which does not reflect the history of that variable. Therefore, for example, those runtime variables which refer to cumulative values can provide meaningful inputs for the economic analysis, whereas rate-type variables at that point will usually contain values that are not relevant and can be misleading.